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Building a Typechecker from scratch
Part 1: Type theory and Basic types
Lecture 1: Introduction to Type theory and checking (19:38)
Lecture 2: Typing Numbers and Strings. Testing (4:17)
Lecture 3: Math binary operations | String concat (6:45)
Lecture 4: Variables and Typing Environment, Г (8:16)
Lecture 5: Blocks and Local scope (6:54)
Lecture 6: Parsing: S-expression to AST (7:30)
Lecture 7: Control flow: If and While expressions (7:24)
Part 2: Functional programming
Lecture 8: User-defined functions | Local environments (9:15)
Lecture 9: Function calls | Built-in functions (4:41)
Lecture 10: Closures and Recursive calls (5:11)
Lecture 11: Lambda functions and IILE | Syntactic sugar (4:29)
Part 3: Type declarations and Classes
Lecture 12: Declaring new types | Type aliases (3:53)
Lecture 13: OOP | Classes as types (6:38)
Lecture 14: Instances and property access (3:50)
Lecture 15: Class inheritance | Super calls (2:48)
Part 4: Generic programming
Lecture 16: Union Type (6:01)
Lecture 17: Union | Type narrowing (7:23)
Lecture 18: Generics | Function declarations (6:50)
Lecture 19: Generics | Function calls (7:08)
Lecture 20: Final executable (7:03)
Lecture 9: Function calls | Built-in functions
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